Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Press Pass

It's not really a big deal... except it kind of is to me.

I got my very first press pass today. It even has my name on it. Granted, it is just a little laminated piece of paper. It doesn't have my picture on it, and it clearly states that I'm just a student. It expires at the end of the semester.

But, it makes me feel good. I feel powerful, important, like people are more apt to listen to me and take me seriously. I feel like when I go to do interviews for my classes, I will go with more confidence. I feel more like a real journalist.

It's funny how little things in life can mean so much to people. Whether it's a job title, a trophy, or a little laminated press pass, sometimes knowing that what you're actually getting somewhere is all you need to keep going.

Me and my press pass.

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