Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hurray Weddings!

So, being in the weddings I was in recently, and helping with their planning, has got me really excited (again) to plan my own wedding.

I was really into it after we first got engaged, but after I realized that I had two years to plan a back yard wedding, I became disinterested. After all, there is only so much you can do from 24 months out when you already know where you're having the wedding, and that you're not going to have many vendors.

But now, we're less than 11 months away! I can get excited again. I am going on a diet HARDCORE after Christmas is over, because I'm going to start shopping for dresses around April. I am going to talk over plans with my Mom while I'm up at her house for Christmas.

It's good to be excited again, and for it to be less than a year until the wedding. I just can't wait to get married!

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